Friday, November 9, 2012

Neela's Lava Lamp

One very exciting day I brought an experiment to show the class. It was a lava lamp! I was very excited about showing the class!  We even showed Room 22 because they practiced theirs, but it didn't work.

These are the ingredients:

  • water
  • vegetable oil
  • food colouring
  • Berocca tablets, broken into quarters
  • and a funnel.

I poured the oil  into the funnel.
After I had poured in all of the bottle of oil I waited for the water and oil to separate from each
Then I put 12 drops of food colouring.

Then I added the berocca into it.

What do you think happened?
This is what it did - The Berocca bubbled and pushed the food colouring up into the oil in big blobs! It looked like a real Lava Lamp! 
By Neela.

1 comment:

  1. Samiya (Neela's Sister)November 27, 2012 at 6:55 PM

    Wow Neela
    I like the way you used the word TABLETS in your Discription


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