Sunday, November 11, 2012

Kate's Lemon Fizzy Drink!

In room 21 we are doing experiments! My experiment was making Lemon Fizzy Drink! Here is what I did.
  • I squeezed a few 1/2 lemons into a glass 
  • I put in the same amount of water as lemon juice
  • I added a teaspoon of baking soda in to the lemon juice and water
We watched the lemon juice fizz when I added the baking soda. A lot of it spilled out of the glass! Everyone in Room 21 got to have a little taste of the fizzy lemon juice! I thought it was WAY too fizzy! Some people thought it was too sour. Some people really liked it!

Do you think you could try this experiment at home? It is a lot of fun :)

1 comment:

  1. Kate, what a neat experiment and something that Room 21 could try and give an oppinion about.Good job!


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