Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Puppet Pals

At Sunnyhills this term, we have all been learning about the Olympic Games. We had our first try at using the Inquiry Process (a research model) to learn about a country that was competing in the Olympics.

We each chose our own country to study (you can see our flags a few posts down) and we did all the research ourselves - we felt like University students!

First, we had to write questions that we wanted to know about our country. Then we used Google and books to find the answer to our questions. That part was very hard because some of the sites had different information, so we weren't sure which information was true! Next, we had to highlight the most important part of our research and then write it in our own words. Finally we presented our information on stars around our beautiful flags.

Today in ICT, we learnt to use an app on the Ipads called Puppet Pals. We used this app to share our information about our countries. You can watch our creations on Youtube! Some of us only had time to share a few of our facts. We have a lot more, so next time you're in the school, pop in and see them - you will be so impressed!

Here are the videos:


  1. These are cool video's are amazing!

  2. Wow,I am very glad that you have a clever teacher. Your work looks brilliant and fun.Puppet pals looks like a great way to learn. Keep up the good work! :D

  3. Hello Room 21 we were just watching your Puppet Pal videos.We are commenting on Ryan and Ethans Puppet Pals.We liked the way you found an interesting way to present your learning and then put it on your blog so everyone could see your fascinating work. Did you know to say hello in in france you say bonjour We really like the flags that you created. It must have been hard to write in the other language but you did a fantastic job. Mabye next time you could try to speak a little bit louder so if your in a room with lots of nosie we can hear you. Do you know what language people from Iran speak?
    Are there any other places that speck french apart from France?

  4. Hi Karina and Leticia your Puppet Pals are really amazing it was really fantastic because you tryed really hard to find all the imformation you needed.I wonder how long it took for you guys to make this? Good job! I liked how you created your wonderful flags. A fact for Singapore is that you are not alowed to litter or you get sent to jail!

  5. Hi Ayaana and Rubie, I think your video is really cool!

  6. William and MitchellAugust 28, 2012 at 1:48 PM

    Hi Room 21,
    Amazing Puppet Pals Willa and Chris!
    We loved your Puppet Pals because of all the amazing facts like who knew Hong Kong has competed in 40 Summer Olympic games and 3 Winter Olympic games and speak English and Chinese,and who knew Germany is German and Dutch.Next time you should speak a little louder and clearly on your Puppet Pals. My country was Ireland and did you know they are known for leprachauns which is like a green pixe.Do you know if any other country is Dutch like Germany?

  7. Hello Matthew and Neela,
    We love your spectacular Puppet Pals because the information that you said are very interesting.I never knew that Canada speaks French and English and that USA has competed in every single Modern Olympic games ! Did you know that in USA there is a famous landmark called the Golden bridge, it is the longest bridge in the world. How long did it take you to finish these Puppet Pals?

  8. Hello Rubie and Ayaana
    Interesting Puppet Pals video about the countries you did. Next time you should speak louder bacause it was hard to hear you. I think you guys made remarkable flags, that must have taken a long time and a lot of effort. Did you know that Netherland's people speak dutch. Is the Puppet Pals app cost money or is it free? We think your Puppet Pals video was very interesting.


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