Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Topsy Turvey Day

 On Friday at school it was Topsy Turvey Day! Topsy Turvey Day was a Mufti day to raise money for a charity. We all came dressed in strange costumes - some people came in their pyjamas (even Miss Williams!), some were wearing half uniform and half mufti, and some even came with their underwear on their heads!!

During the day, we did some fun and silly activities that were all topsy turvey too. The only thing that wasn't allowed to be topsy turvey was our behaviour. First, we walked backwards in line to our music class with Mrs Larcombe. It was really hard to walk backwards! When we arrived, she said "good afternoon Room 21", even though it was 9 o'clock in the morning! She told us we were doing geography for the day, but she was just being topsy turvey, because we did do music.

After music we had a parade of all our topsy turvey clothes in front of the whole junior school. We loved looking at other people's creations and we REALLY loved showing off ours. There was music playing and we danced around the courts and posed for people to look at us. We felt like we were famous!
This is Room 21 showing off our weird and wonderful clothes in the Topsy Turvey Parade!
After the parade, it was time for Morning Tea. Then we went back to class and read a poem by Spike Milligan called 'On The Ning Nang Nong'. It was very silly and funny. We tried reading it backwards, which was extremely hard. Since we liked the poem a lot, Miss Williams found a story by Spike Milligan on Youtube called 'Bad Jelly the Witch'. We listened to the story, but there were no pictures so we had to create the pictures in our heads.

For the afternoon, we had buddy time which is our favourite time of the week. We played a water balloon game with our buddies. We had to throw a water balloon back and forth to our buddy without dropping it. Each time we caught it, we had to take a step away from our buddy. It got harder and harder to catch and a lot of people got wet! Luckily, we played it just before home time, so no one had to stay wet all day.

Everyone in the whole school had a fun day. We got to be silly and look funny. We all laughed a lot. We hope we made a lot of money for the sick children.

The gorgeous Room 21 wearing topsy turvey clothes, poing in topsy turvey
poses on Topsy Turvey Day!

By Neela, Chris, Rubie and Ethan

1 comment:

  1. It seems to me that Room 21 really did have a "topsy turvey" day. I'm pretty sure that some of you have one of those days every day! Great descriptive writing Belinda. well done and cool pictures to match.


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