Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Room 21's Calendars

Sunnyhills School is making school calendars for a fundraiser. In Room 21, we made stained glass windows. First, we learnt all about shades of colours and how to make them with paint. We were amazed by how many shades of one colour you can make by adding white, black or other colours. 

First, we drew a small circle on our page. This is where the sun is hitting the stained glass. Next, we drew lines from the circle out to the edge of the page. This is to show us how the sun's rays would hit the window. Next, we drew a simple picture over the top of our lines. We needed to keep it simple, with big shapes, because painting tiny shapes is too hard. 

Drawing and colouring our drafts. Can you see the different shades?
Then we started to colour in. Wherever the shape we were colouring in went across one of the lines we drew at the beginning, we had to change to a different shade of the same colour. This is to show how colours change with light. We used crayons to colour in our drafts. It was tricky to colour in with crayons, because there are not many shades of crayon. Luckily, we are a creative class and we managed to make a lot of different shades. We weren't too worried about it though, because we knew that we would have more shades when we painted.

When our draft was finished, we carefully drew our design onto our calendar and then it was time to paint! We had such a great time painting - even though it was VERY messy! Luckily we had two parent helpers and a learning assistant to help us. We worked super hard and got all of the painting finished in one day.

Once our paintings were dry, we ruled over the lines in vivid and went around the outline of our shapes with black crayon. 

We also used crayon to highlight important parts of our picture and to make it look clean and finished.


We put a lot of time and effort into our calendars. We hope you like them! If you do, remember to order some to help the PTA with their fundraiser. You can buy calendars, diaries and cards of your child's work.


  1. It must be cool calendars. I wish I could see your brilliant work. :)


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