Monday, July 30, 2012

Room 21 Goes Global!

In Room 21, we are learning about the Olympic Games! We each chose a country to study during the games and we are looking forward to learning lots about our country over the next few weeks. The first thing we learnt, was what our country's flag looks like. We Googled a picture of our flag and then painted our own versions. We tried to make them look exactly like the real ones. Do you think we did a good job? How many country's flags can you recognise?


  1. Fantastic flags Room 21!! I will come and visit so that you can tell me some of the information that you know about the country you have chosen to learn about.

    Mrs Steel

  2. I like making flags.
    Oliver :-q

  3. What a great way to learn about other countries

  4. I like the look of Neelas flag
    Kate : )

  5. I like the flag Germany.
    Oliver :):):):):):-q

  6. Wow! What wonderfull flags Room 21.Heaps of work must have gone into them all - well done.

  7. I like the flag Great Briatian.:) :-p :0

  8. I like the flag France too:D

  9. Hi Room21, your flags look amazing... you are all very clever and I'm sure you are all very proud of your work...

  10. Celina (olivers sister)August 4, 2012 at 4:39 PM

    I am very proud of your work room 21. Well done! They look as real as a photo! :):)

  11. Jo Hickford (Morgan's Mum)August 16, 2012 at 1:09 AM

    Well done Room 21 - I wish I had seen these earlier. The flags look amazing!

  12. Those flags look just the same as the real ones.
    The flags look fabulous.
    How did you draw that so neatly?
    We like the New Zealand flag the best!

  13. Samiya (neela and ayaana's sister)August 25, 2012 at 1:40 PM

    Wow Room 21,
    You must be great artists

  14. Amazing flags room21! My favourite flag was the Great Briatian. Every one did a wonderful job! Does any one know who did the Great Briatian flag?


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